1 research outputs found

    Gesture Interaction at a Distance

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    The aim of this work is to explore, from a perspective of human behavior, which\ud gestures are suited to control large display surfaces from a short distance away; why that is so; and, equally important, how such an interface can be made a reality. A well-known example of the type of interface that is the focus in this thesis is portrayed in the science fiction movie ā€˜Minority Reportā€™. The lead character of this movie uses hand gestures such as pointing, picking-up and throwing-away to interact with a wall-sized display in a believable way. Believable, because the gestures are familiar from everyday life and because the interface responds predictably. Although only fictional in this movie, such gesture-based interfaces can, when realized, be applied in any environment that is equipped with large display surfaces. For example, in a laboratory for analyzing and interpreting large data sets; in interactive shopping windows to casually browse a product list; and in the operating room to easily access a patientā€™s MRI scans. The common denominator is that the user cannot or may not touch the display: the interaction occurs at arms-length and larger distances